Reiki is a soft, gentle technique that puts the client into a deep relaxation state. The practitioner placed the hands, slightly on the body or above, on specific meridian points of the body. The hand positions are not intrusive for the client. A warm sensation comes out of the hands and stimulates the meridian points, releasing blockages that might be between these points, adjusting and balancing the flow of energy, the body, the mind, and at the spiritual level. This energy flows in any living beings. So, Reiki can help you as well as any animal.
It is recommended, but not obliged, to have three sets of seven Reiki sessions. The first set helps to prepare the body and get used to the energy work. The second set goes through the healing process requested by the client. Life brings us traumas that build up in our bodies through the years. The Reiki sessions help to heal the body and mind. The third set maintains the balance of the body and mind and the spiritual level. The results can vary depending on the client's health condition and some might need more sessions or less compared with the recommended number of sessions.
Mondoki offers Crane Qi Gong exercises. Crane Qi Gong has been founded by Master Zhao Jin-Xiang in 1979 in China. Master Zao studied with masters from different forms of Qi Gong and created the Crane Qi Gong, a form easy to learn, memorize, and practice. Crane Qi Gong is a very effective style of Qi Gong that helps people’s health, particularly with chronic conditions.
Crane Qi Gong has been brought to Ontario by Mr. Henry Hu, who learned it 30 years ago in Beijing, China.
Crane Qi Gong works with the Qi (Chi) energy that flows in the body. The exercise includes five sets of moves, also called routines, that can be learned independently, and each routine lasts approximately five minutes. Each move helps to release blockages that affect the flow of energy between each meridian point (the same system used in acupuncture), and the health. We recommend a minimum of one hour of practice every day for at least three months to get the best results to improve health. We teach each routine for ten weeks, once a week. Please call us for more details about our classes.
How important is your health? Have you heard about toxicity, the health crisis, and the obesity epidemic? Unfortunately, it spreads too fast in our modern world.
So many factors affect the health of your body. The level of toxicity increases because of the pollution in the air, in the water, the food depleted of nutrients, and stress. Detoxifying the body helps to balance the metabolism. Through nutritional cleansing, programs you get all the nutrients you need, release the toxins, and get new healthy eating habits. The results are more energy, more performance for athletes, and weight gain or reduction depending on what your body needs to reach your ideal BMI (Body Mass Index).
Please call us for more details about our programs and telomeres support products that help to age youthfully.
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